Monday, May 18, 2015

Blue Bell PA: Stretching

At Blue Bell Physical Therapy we emphasize the importance of daily stretching routines. The benefits of stretching daily include improving athletic performance
and decreasing the risk of injury. Committing as little as 10 minutes a day to stretching can have a long term positive impact.
Hamstring stretch
Neck stretch
Lower trunk rotation stretch

Friday, May 8, 2015

Blue Bell Physical Therapy Sponsors Shannon Dell Farm and Horse Show

Blue Bell Physical Therapy is excited to become the newest sponsor for Shannon Dell Farm and The Shannon Dell Farm Horse Show.

Check out the next horse show at Ludwig's Corner Horse Show Grounds, 1325 Pottstown Pike, Glenmoore, PA 19343 on Saturday, July 25th.

Blue Bell Physical Therapy specialize is physical, occupations, and speech therapies and focus on providing the highest quality of care to the members of their community. Visit our site or contact us via phone to learn more. 610.275.0330